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   I pulled our family's collection of Halloween books out yesterday and WOAH we have a lot! We love seasonal collections and it appears...
     September 11th has always been a tricky topic for me to teach. How do you teach one of the most traumatic events in history, when you a...
    Every school year is different. Different students, different needs, different plans. But one thing always remains constant:  The need f...
  I've been there, friend. You've  finally  reached summer break and the last thing you want is to start preparing for next school y...
    You did it, friend! You've worked so hard this year and you've  almost  made it to the end. But now there's one big question...
   As our school year draws to a close, I keep hearing the same question on my social media platforms: What are your favorite novels to end ...
Few occupations have mastered the art of multi-tasking like teachers. By now I’m sure you know just how useful it is to make connections in ...